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Jamian Juliano-Villani

What is your ideal office?


It has to have really clean floors and huge windows.


Describe NYC in three words.


Don't wear sandals!!!


What did you want to be when you were a kid?


A Zoologist.


What memory comes to minds as soon as you think of O'Flaherty's?


The office was the shit in the last space. The now office is like a fishbowl.


Who was the last person you hugged, and how did it feel?


Billy Grant, it was sweaty and stressful, but we got through it.


What was the last thing you wrote down to remember later?


Eye disruption tick camo Cork Board Anicka Yi.


What has been an unexpected source of inspiration for you?




If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be?


Kim Kardashian because it looks fun and easy.


What is the most inspiring medium to you right now?


Command strips.


When was the last time you celebrated?


I can't tell you because it makes me look cheap!

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